There are few bigger races on an ultra-runner's calendar than the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run. Although I've never run it myself, I do live conveniently close to the race course, and thus have found myself volunteering and spectating on several occasions. This year, given the very competitive field in both the men's and women's races, I was particularly interested to see how the race would play out.
On Friday, I made my way to Squaw to help check-in pacers. I was fortunate to be working with Sophie Lewis-Robinson at "Pacer Central." Sophie is not only friendly and nice, but also much more experienced than I in the ways of Western States. She seemed to have the answers to most people's questions, and it wasn't long before her answers became my answers. (Thanks Sophie!) It was a beautiful and fun day where we greeted many friends with excitement, met new people, congratulated World 100K champions, and just generally gawked at the abundance of fast runners wandering about.
Saturday, I made my way to Michigan Bluff in time to see the front runners come through, and parked myself there for the remainder of the day.
It was hot--about 89 F when I arrived at 1:30. I knew it was still heating up, and I assume it hit close to 100 by the time we reached the heat of the day. There were people everywhere, mostly crews waiting anxiously for their runner, but also countless volunteers working the aid stations, communications, statistics, and medical tents. I was searching out some shade when I spotted Joe Palubeski, and pulled up a patch of grass behind him and his crew.
To be honest, I was really pulling for Bev to win this one, so I was anxious to hear how she was doing. I got the low-down from Joe, and I thought things sounded promising for her so far.
I socialized with many amazing runners, some of whom (like Meghan!) I met for the first time (in real life, anyway).
Here are some photos from the day, with a bit of narration on my activities and observations.
Jasper, looking strong in 3rd place. The aid station volunteers wait patiently for more runners to arrive.
Tsuyoshi Kaburagi
Gary Robbins
Erik Skaden

Anita Ortiz looked totally solid coming through. She only spent two minutes in the aid station.
Chikara Omine
AJW, surrounded by a gaggle of young, eager helpers
Mark Lantz
Bev Anderson-Abs
Bev walks out with her crew.
Tracy Moore
Krissy Moehl, headed out with her crew

Graham Cooper

Jed Tukman

Simon Mtuy

Nikki, headed to her crew station. She had the most efficient crew I'd ever seen. She was having trouble with her feet, and she had one crew member on each foot--pulling off socks, shoes, retaping, new socks and shoes--Boom! Amazing to watch.

Kevin Swisher

Meghan Arbogast

Caren Spore

Olga cheks in on Sean Meissner
Brian Morrison and Kim Gimenez
Beth Vitalis
Peter, Troy and Carol check runners into Michigan Bluff. I went over to chat with Peter, and soon realized this was the place to be. The numbers were radioed in, and we could look up who was coming just before they arrived. It was a blast to cheer for everyone by name!

Connie Gardner

Donald Buraglio weighs in
Scott Dunlap tells Peter tales of puking and passing out.
Lori Lebel
Kathy D'Onofrio-Wood

The crowd at Michigan Bluff waits for the runners to arrive.

If I had known everything on this plaque, I would have done much better on Craig Thornley's quiz.
Overall, it was an exciting day. When runners come in to Michigan Bluff, they are hot, tired and exhausted from the canyons. Most people looked pretty beaten down, and it was a pleasure every time that I could bring a smile to someone's face by cheering them on.
I stopped briefly at Foresthill on my way home, and was gratified to see some of the same faces, still toughing it out.
Congratulations runners. You are all quite an inspiration.